
They Were Married? That's Entertainment!

Everyone knows who Liza Minelli is, although, honestly, I'm not sure why.  She's somehow a much bigger celebrity than I can explain.  Having looked through her filmography, the only thing I've ever seen that she's been in has been Muppet related, and she was always playing herself.  Perhaps it's Cabaret she's famous for.  I dunno, I've never seen it.

Or perhaps, she's the Nicole Richie of her day.  Her mother was, after all, none other than Judy Garland of Wizard Of Oz fame.  And her father was Vincente Minelli, one of the greatest directors of the 1950s.  She's got pedigree, and I assume she has some level of talent since she won an Oscar (for Cabaret, which confirms my guess that she's famous for that role), although I admit there are some Oscar wins that are... shall we say... questionable?  Yes, I'm looking at you Denzel Washington winning for Training Day.

Anywhoo... Liza Minelli, daughter of Judy Garland, is also well known for getting married and divorced several times.  She's no Elizabeth Taylor (married 8 times, divorced 7), but she has been married, and divorced, 4 times in 40 years.  What's fun and interesting is the identity of husband #2.

Her second husband was a writer/director/producer by the name of Jack Haley Jr, whom she met while doing an introduction for Haley's film That's Entertainment!.  What makes her marriage to Jack Haley Jr. interesting?  Well, as previously mentioned, Liza is the daughter of Judy Garland, who played Dorothy in The Wizard Of Oz.  Well, Jack Haley Jr. is the son of Jack Haley (obviously), who played the farmhand Hickory in The Wizard Of Oz.  Oh, alright, he also played the Tin Man.

The daughter of Dorothy married the Tin Man's son!

Complete aside, Tin Manson sounds like an awesome name for a robotic serial killer.

IMDB pages for
Liza Minelli
Jack Haley Jr.
The Wizard of Oz

TCM article on That's Entertainment!

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